Nov 3, 2024
Join Magdalena Magazine in a pre-sales fundraising event for issue three at Wendi Kirby Music in Monterey CA on Saturday November 3 at from 5-8pm. A light organic and local dinner will be provided before the screening of STANDING SILENT NATION a film about the historic Oglala Lakota White Plume Family who are direct descendants of Crazy Horse who hosted the Trail of Truth and riders on Pine Ridge Reservation. 20% of proceeds will go to the Horse Spirit Society non profit.

Oct 14, 2022
Our LANDBACK private dinner was a very special event centering the Esselen Tribe of Monterey County. One of the first community events to publicly acknowledge and celebrate the tribe coming home to their homeland in Big Sur.

DREAM WATER, Big Sur launch
Oct 22, 2022
The unveiling of issue two was a very intimate event at the Henry Miller Library in Big Sur. Surrounded by friends and family and close community we unveiled the first shipment of Magdalena Magazine.
Zach Bush + Nat Kelley Regeneration Panel
April 8, 2023
Launching Issue two in Ojai California was very meaningful having had our interview and photos of Nat Kelley taken in the Valley of the Moon as well as our story on Ojai's Regenerative scene with Cole Bush and Connor Jones. Zach Bush's presence was key in cultivating a strong captivating discussion about the real definition of regeneration and its efficacy in Ojai.
Farm Frolic, Ojai
April 8, 2023
Launching Issue two in Ojai California cultivated a meaningful gathering for the regenerative community on our favorite biodynamic farm.